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Barrys Accounting Services, Corp.
1852 Flatbush Avenue - 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11210-4831
(718) 677-4006
Client Update - quarterly newsletter

Barrys Accounting Services, Corp. - Brooklyn, NY


1852 Flatbush Ave. 2nd Floor - Brooklyn, NY

THANKS for logging-on to this website. We have a lot of things going on; and Testimonials (Survey Reports) from our Clients are Overwhelmingly Impressive. What do you want us to do for you, TODAY?

Barrys Accounting Services, Corp., is a U.S.A. Corporation. Its daily operation is based on, "Simplicity and Straight-forwardness"; with a Balance of "Ambition and Practicality"

Our Clients are Individuals and Business Owners. We give our Clients and Prospects (Prospective Clients) DETAIL and RELIABLE information that will enable them to DECIDE quickly if they want to do Business with us BEFORE they contact us.

This Website has been transformed into a Special RETREAT CENTER by search engines; and traffic has grown exponentially to over 1,200,000 Clients and Prospective Clients. They get valuable information that they can incorporate into their Trade/ Profession/ Business/ Personal lives.

The MAJORITY of the Company Clients are located in 13 States in the U.S.A.; and in 5 Overseas / Foreign Countries. They have obtained TAX DEDUCTIONS, EXEMPTIONS,  FOREIGN EARNED INCOME EXCLUSION and FOREIGN TAX CREDITS. We filed for them, SINGLE STATE Tax Return, and MULTIPLE  STATES tax returns. Some Clients are  RESIDENT, PART-YEAR RESIDENT, and NON-RESIDENT. We have saved them over $450 million in taxes and discreationary expenses/expenditures. This includes ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLES that we have collected for them from their DEAD-BEAT customers (Money that had to be written off as BAD DEBTS). We have EXCEEDED their expectations; and we have seen/observed those BIG smiles on their faces. If your business is doing fine/well; OR if it is growing sluggishly and you believe there are barriers in the way that are hindering its growth, then we should talk about making improvements that will grow the business to meet your expectation. Contact us today, if that is something you want us to help you solve/rectify.  

This company is known for:-

#1) We have helped New and Established Business GROW and stay PROFITABLE and SUSTAINABLE. We know their industry BENCHMARKS; and we gave them a PACKAGE-DEAL (A BUNDLE) at a REDUCED PRICE. The DEAL is to identify and rectify operations constraints(SMALL Changes, BIG Results) in Budgeting, Financial Planning, Risks Management, Taxation, Safeguards, and Checks & Balances for Effective Business Operations Management Practices ("Industry-Specific" Knowledge).

#2) We have addressed the UNDER-PERFORMANCES of EVERY company. We used CLEAR and ACTIONABLE steps that have generated great RESULTS while we maintain control over unnecessary expenses and tax spikes.

#3) NEW / PROSPECTIVE Clients can click on their Industry Webpage, and get DETAIL and RELIABLE information about their industry BEFORE they decide to do business with us. Hence, their Industry Web-page will answer ALL or MOST of their job-related and business related questions. We make it EASY for them to DECIDE quickly if they want to do business with us.

#4) Clients RETAIN / HIRE us to PROMOTE their Business, Products, and their Personal Brand. We have turned each item into a House-hold Name that generates recurring Revenues Streams for them.

***NOTE:- TIME  MANAGEMENT is VERY important to us. Read your Industry Webpage BEFORE you Contact us. Call us when you are READY to do BUSINESS with us. If you want to contact the IRS, the numbers are (800)829-1040 and (800)829-4933, from 7:00am Eastern Standard Time(EST). The Website is IRS.Gov.

We are MISSION-DRIVEN, and RESULTS-ORIENTED; and we are PROFICIENT at Managing our Clients Expectation. We have STRONG work-ethics; and we are "HYPER-FOCUS" on CHANGES in the ECONOMY and CHANGES in TAXATION that will have an impact on our Clients Business / Trade / Profession. We give them Valuable Advice and Important Tax-tips that they can use IMMEDIATELY to improve their Core-competncies and EXCEL in their industry.

**NOTE:- Having money is equated to having Wealth and Power. It brings Financial Security / Freedom / Independence / Happiness / Peace-of-mind; and the Flexibility you will have with your time to make decisions that fit your lifestyle, and your ability to be in control of your Choices. It will also bring you MANY Friends and Vultures too).


We add VALUE and help our Clients EXCEL without the RISK of them getting AUDIT; or the RISK of Reputational Damage. With us in your corner, you will ALWAYS have a Knowledgeable and Valuable Resource to turn to for PRACTICAL and PROFITABLE Personal and Business FINANCIAL advice. Juggling WORK-LOADS, and meeting QUOTAS and DEADLINES are SMALL challengs for us. Our Clients Testimonials are Overwhelmingly Impressive. They are listed at the bottom of this page.


FIVE Economic Sectors that we are Specialized in:

We have been working DILIGENTLY with clients for over 30-years in the following FIVE MAJOR Economic Sectors:-

*Real Estate.

*Medical/Health Care.



*Construction/Skills Trades Industry.

They are Sole-Proprietorships,  S-Corp.,  C-Corp.,  LLC.,  and Partnerships. 

We know those INDUSTRIES; and we understand our clients MISSION and MINDSET. We are familiar with their BUSINESS MODEL; and we help them EXECUTE their BUSINESS PLANS and increase their productivity expeditiouly. We are READY to do BUSINESS with you, if Exceptional Results and Peace-of-Mind are important to you.


Clients We Are Working With

#1) Middle to High Income Individuals (Busy Professionals, Artists, Sports & Athletics , Stock Traders, Building/Skilled Trades Workers, Hospitality, Mechanical, Technology, Real Estate Owners & Investors, Medical Professionals, and Transportation Owners and Workers).

#2) Small, Medium, and Large Businesses. (Businesses that are 1-year old and businesses that are established):- Independent Contractors, Sol-proprietorships, Partnerships, LLP, LLC, Domestic Corporations, and Foreign Corporations).


The Company Clients Database Analysis

Our Clients Demographics/Statistical Analysis shows they are comprised of:- 42% White;  37% Black;   8%Hispanic;  7% Indian; and  6% Asian. We have a GREAT working relationship with EVERYBODY; and Our client-based has grown over the years. (Our Statistical Analysis is similar to those used by  "The Department of Labor" or  "The Bureau of Labor Statistics" in EVERY modern country.


Services We Provide for Individuals and Businesses

Individual and Business Taxation(Compiliation, Preparation, Tax Audit, Review & Compliance:- Full Disclosure, Tax Compliance, Tax Controversies, Tax Audits, and Disciplinary actions in the USA and in Foreign Countries); Real-Estate Taxation and Advisory; Business Management and Advisory; Financial and Investment Planning; Strategic Planning; Business Valuation; Forensic Consultancy; Public Relations; and Brand Management.


Our Continually Updated Tax Database and Education

#1) Economic and Business Operational changes:-  Changes in our clients industries have kept us on the CUTTING-EDGE of NEW tax developments, Compliance issues, Accountability issues, and our Clients PRESENT and FUTURE OPERATIONS STRATEGIES that will enable them to EXCEL. Hence, our Continually updated tax data base contains over 1,000 Tax Strategies that are unique to their BUSINESS and their INDUSTRY. We can analyze and QUICKLY evaluate the TAX IMPACT on every INDIVIDUAL/Personal and BUSINESS decision every client plan to made (Proactive Tax Strategies); and the BEST Tax-EFFICIENT structure that will MINIMIZE their Tax Liability; and MAXIMIZE their Cash-Flow, Disposable Income, Working Capital, Business Valuation, and Credit-worthiness with Lenders and Suppliers (Creditors).

#2) Tax Research Companies we use:- Prentice-Hall, CCH, BNA, WG&L, RIA. PLUS we have taken 48 hours of IRS Mandatory Annual Continuing Education. NOTE:-Those Tax Research Companies that we use are also used by the IRS and State Tax Auditors. Hence, you are in CABLE HANDS with us.

We are on the "CUTTING-EDGE" of Taxation and Business Development. This is your time to make a BOLD move and hire the right Tax-Accountant that has UP-TO- DATE information/knowledge and a PROVEN and VERIFIABLE Track Record in your industry for over 30-years. Our Clients TESTIMONIALS are OVER-WHELMINGLY Impressive.


We are Mission Driven and Result Oriented; and we Empower Ambition(Upward Mobility).

***NOTE:-(Upward Mobility)You DONT have to work in a job that you hate. You can start your own business and take control of your own destiny; and become Financially Independent like many people have done and have become; OR you can LOG-ON to these companies websites and APPLY for the job that you are QUALIFY for; and you are PASSIONATE about:- MaximStaffing.com; EdenHcs.com; HHAjobsManhattan.com; OutsourcedBilling.com; MyJobHelper.com; StateJobs.NY.Gov; SisInc.com; Hok.com; Som.com; InfoSys.com; AgsHealth.com;  JustWorks.com/careers; Monster.com; Indeed.com; FastSwitch.com; RobertHalf.com; Detyens.com; Slgreen.com; Durst.org; KellyServices.com; FlexCare.com; Willkie.com; Gensler.com; BrownSchroeder.com; RandStadUsa.com; NewYorkJobDepartment.com; Nexxt.com; Kirkland.com; Skadden.com; Careers.Amtrack.com; FastGuardService.com; KornFerry.com; Aecom.com; PerkinsEastman.com; If you wish to work in a Mansion, Private Residence, or TV Station as a private Chef, Cosmetologist, Security Chief, Nurse, Therapist, Personal Manager, Personal Trainer, Grounds-keeper, Butler, etc, log on to:-HouseHoldStaffing.com. If you want to set-up or establish a business(LLC, Partnership, or Corporation), call Legal-Zoom at (800) 773-0888 ext 5374; or (323) 962-8600.


Details About Those Services that We Provide for our Clients

 (Business Manager / CFO Advisor  /  Coach  /  Consultant  /  Auditor)

We have undergone (been through) RIGOROUS Training and MANDATORY annual continuing education. We have the EDUCATION,  EXPERIENCE, and CREDENTIALS to support / justify our EXPERTISE. We understand the Financial and Regulatory challenges they are facing; and we provide them with EXCEPTIONAL results, WITHOUT the RISK of Reputational Damage (Transformational).

We provide Regular Services and Private Client Service for several clients. We DIDNT pressure them (Hard-Sell Them). They tell us their GOAL; and we make Recommendations that they Considered and Accepted. They are happy today; and their Testimonials are OVER-WHELMINGLY Impressive. Those services are:-

#1) Companies that are 1-year old and need to grow revenue.

#2) Companies that are established and want to grow.

#3) Individuals that need Financial Planning and Monitoring.

#3) Real Estate Owners / Sellers, and Investors("Flippers"). 

Private Client Service is a ONE-TIME Service or a MONTHLY Service. It is Custom-Made to meet each client specific situation. It helps the client accomplished his/her immediate and long-term GROWTH quickly. The Fee is Tax-Deductible, and it comes from the RESULT / VALUE that we provide for you. Hence, you have NOTHING to lose. If your Business or your Investment is in one or more of those industries above, then taxpayers like yourself are our ideal/primary client. We know your industry ("Industry-Specific" knowledge); and we can help you overcome those tough challenges you are experiencing in Taxation, Business Growth, and Finance Independence; and we will put a BIG SMILE on your face. Clients assignments are completed Expeditiously and Accurately. We deliver Exceptional Results; and we give them Peace of Mind that are unparallel/unmatched anywhere else. Our methodology is effective; and we put our Track Record and Reputation behind EVERYTHING we do. Lets start today!!

#1)Tax planning & Implementation:- There is nothing new, outrageous, or illegal about people being Proactive and utilizing effective Tax Planning strategies to save large amounts of money in taxes; or pay a small percentage of their income in taxes. That happens because most investments are Income Producing Activities that involve risks; and investments are taxed at a lower rate than wages and salary. In addition, for their efforts for taking risks, those investors get incentives like Expense Deductions, Loss Deductions, Tax Credits, Exemptions,  Exclusions, Amortization, Depreciation, Carry-back, Carry-Forward, etc. Those INCENTIVES have encouraged them to take more risks and invest. Also, they make their business a "Family Business" and they get tax incentives for hiring/employing their Children/Kids. It is important to note that MOST people who are WEALTHY today have started from POVERTY ( Pay-checks and Pay-day Loans). No Inheritance, No Trust Fund, No Sugar Daddy, and No Sugar Mommy. However, they were wise; and they CHANGED their spending HABBITS and make the necessary SACFIFICES. They were FOCUSED on UPWARD MOBILITY as their  PRIORITY, because it is NOT good to be BROKE and be at the MERCY of other people who claim/pretend they LOVE you. I have interviewed many successful people when I was writing my book. Some of them have been my clients. They started their own businesses and have become very successful.

They are WEALTHY today because they moved out from their COMFORT  ZONE and they take RISKS, knowing they can lose EVERYTHING; and if they Sell their investment at a Profit they will pay a COMBINATION of 40%-60% Capital Gains Tax to the Federal and State. However, that DIDNT deterred them or dampened their spirits. Instead, they took a Leap-of-faith and EXECUTE their WRITTEN long term plans (Taxation, Financial, and Business plans); and they HIRED and  PAID the BEST people, who are in alignment with their Vision / Mission, to help them obtained the Desired RESULTS (Value-for-Money). That is how they became wealthy(Sacrifices, Good decisions, Good Choices, and they Listen attentively). SANTA CLAUSE and the FAIRY GOD-MOTHER didnt pull them aside and give them a BAG FILL WITH MONEY. Why should they feel GUILTY for being WEALTHY TODAY after they have made Personal and Financial SACRIFICES for SEVERAL years; and they have had to live with HASH Criticisms / Ridicule from HYPOCRITES and NAYSAYERS for many years? Why should they APOLOGIZE for being wealthy when EVERYBODY has the same OPPORTUNITY to become WEALTHY if they make the necessary SACRIFICES and MANAGE their money WISELY? Charitable Organizations are getting TAX-FREE donations from them. Politicians are getting TAX-FREE contributions from them; and are laughing all the way to the banks with their briefcase bulging; and Governments are syphoning-off and squandering Tax-Payers money; and raising tax rates like they are Legalized Bandits. How about that? Wait till they start dipping their hands in your pocket.

Effective Tax Planning is available for EVERY Individual and Business. Tax Planning is different from Tax Preparation. Tax Planning is something that MUST be done and Monitored REGULARLY throughout the year to produce MAXIMUM results at the end of the year. However, Tax Preparation MUST be done ONCE a year, after the end of the year. 

Are you READY to take IMMEDIATE action TODAY; and be COMMITTED to start saving money, by CHANGING your SPENDING habbits and stop blaming other people for your financial HARDSHIP? This is about your life and your priorities;  and the sacrifices you make, and your happiness. If you are ready, then your TOP priorities are a Personal Tax Plan and a Personal Financial Plan; and you need to monitor your expenses and investments or pay someone to do it for you. If you own a business, you will need a Business Tax Plan to help you evaluate the tax impact of restructuring or selling the business. Call us when you are read to make the transformation. The economic impact of COVID-19 Social Pandemic has put a financial strain/pressure on many individuals and businesses. Dont get disheartened/depressed! Be proactive. Position yourself and become part of a group of new millionaires that this crisis will create. Every ECONOMIC and SOCIAL crisis have produced MILLIONAIRES. Those STATISTICS are available for EVERYBODY to overhaul. Check them out!!

#2)Tax preparation:- Tax Preparation is usually done once a year. We thoroughly analyze the details that our clients give us; and we formulate a strategy that makes every regulatory tax law(creditsdeductions, exemptions, carry-back, carry-forward, exclusions, etc.) work for them in accordance with Federal & State tax codes/laws. We ensure they get tax refunds that they are entitled to received; or pay no more taxes than is required by law.

#3)Tax Compliance Issues:- We can help you resolve Federal & State outstanding or dilinquent tax liabilities/discrepancies. This includes Filing FBAR with the IRS and FinCEN to report foreign (off-shore bank, brokerage & securities accounts and property) transactions in compliance with FATCA for U.S. Citizens and Residence who are domicile in the USA and Overseas. 

#4) Forensic Auditing:-(Tracing/following the money). This investigative work involves untangling and reconstructing financial transactions to ferret out corrupt, deceptive, and fraudulent business practice. This includes 3rd party allegations of financial impropriety. People who are interested in Forensic Audit are those seeking Financial Compensation or Asset Forfeiture (Creditors, Partners in a partnership, Shareholders, IRS, DEA, Bankruptcy court, etc.).This work involves knowledge and practical applications of tax laws, financial & managerial accounting, and criminal law.

#5) Business Management & Advisory:Emotional, Operational, and Financial challenges/constraints are inherent in every business. A market correction, or a sudden change in the demographics of the population, or a downward spiral in the economy (Example:-the economic recession in 2007-2009; and COVID-19 social pandemic in 2020) will quickly change business operations dynamics and hit some business hard; especially those that are overleveraged, have little or no cash reserves, and virtually no margin of safety. If your business is experiencing a similar situation, dont panic. NEW millionaires have emerge from EVERY economic crisis. Call us for a FREE 5-minutes of "Strategy Session". We will share with you a unified vision and provide you with ongoing remedial support; and we will do whatever it takes to transform the business to meet your objectives. Results varies for each client that we have worked with on an ongoing basis. In Operations Management, clients productivity have increased 35%, 56% and 60%, and net profits have increased 63%, 86% and 97%; and free cash flow has doubled, triple and quadrupled within the first 30-90 days.

Our Independent Client Survey:- The top eight RANDOM reasons clients gave for doing business with us: experience, knowledge of their industry, hands-on, transparent, reliable, speed, accuracy, and results-oriented.


Testimonials From Our Clients Survey

*****NOTE:-You DONT have to believe whatever they are saying. EXPERIENCE it for YOURSELF. Call us today; and start doing business with us. Thank you!

1)"I sold my 16-family building in June 2021 and my Attorney told me I would have to pay Capital Gains Tax to the IRS & NY State. I was shopping around for a capable person to help me and I contacted Barry. I was impressed with his experience and the proofs he showed me. He wasted no time making me talk to 3 of his clients who have been in a similar situation like myself. I finally said, lets do it!! The result was just liked we had discussed and I paid the fee from the money he saved me". -Dimitri, E. (Coney Island Ave., Brooklyn, NY).

2)"I own a trucking company and I was searching the internet for a taxman. I got a link that leads me to Barrys Accounting Services. I contacted Barry and he had me talked to 4 truck owners who are happy with his service. I am happy I hired him. The result was better than I had anticipated". - Jimmy, P (Brooklyn, NY).

3)"My personal and business tax returns are complex and I needed a Tax Accountant. I received numerous referrals; but I am very picky/fastidious. Every time I researched and reviewed my list of prospects and their customers experiences, your name kept coming up. That is why I contacted you and send you my documents. I am glad I trusted you. Great results. Thank You!" - J. Morrison, Business Owner, (Manhattan, NY).

4)"I dread going to a tax office during tax season. Barry told me what to send and I mailed him the documents. In a couple of weeks I received my tax refunds, a copy of my tax return, the documents I sent him, and a gift. That was Amazing!!" - Dr. Anette P., (Ventura, CA).

5)"I was tired of changing Accountants because I was not happy with their service and the result I was getting, hence the reason I was hesitant/reluctant to hire you when my friend referred you to me. However, reading your blogs and talking to you every year for 3-years had finally given me the courage to trust you and take the risk and hired you. Presently, I am happy I did. I wish I had hired you when I first talked to you". - G. McIntyre, Engineer, (Long Island, N.Y.).

6)"I found Barrys Accounting Services, Corp. on the Internet. I received so much information from the companys Website that I had to try the service. I am happy I did."- E. Mackenzie, Electrician, (Jamaica, N.Y.).

7)"Accountants have told me what they can do for me, but none of them have clearly demonstrated their services to me and none have stronger endorsements and referrals than Barry. This is why I switched to Barrys Accounting Services, Corp."  - S. Benoit, Account Executive, (Manhattan, NY.).

8)"I am a ship captain. Sometimes I dont have time to visit my accountant. I organized my documents and sent them to Barry. Two weeks later my tax refund was in my bank account; and my copy, the documents I sent him, and a gift arrived at my address. I was like, wow!! I like that."  - Capt. Samuel K., (Jacksonville, FL.)

9)"The information you have given us is invaluable. We have leased a fleet of trucks and the leasing company has encouraged us to retain your services.
          - Allan & Tom, Shippers & Movers, (Randall Ave., Bronx, N.Y.).

10)"I was audited and I couldnt find my tax preparer. A friend referred me to Barry. Barry took my case and saved me $5,250. I have become more educated and realistic about who should prepare my tax returns. Thank you, Barry." - R. McCloud, Real Estate Owner, (Newark, N.J.).

11)"I used to live in New York and travel to my clients in New Jersey and Connecticut. I rented out my residence in New York and relocated to another residence I had in Georgia. I sold my residence in Georgia and relocated to California. Finally, I sold my residence in New York. Barrys tax planning advice saved me $18,000 in prepayment penalties, $30,000 in sellers concessions, and $5,900 in taxes. Barry has been preparing my tax returns and advising me for 20 years. I could not have chosen a better person to look after my interests."
          - S. Fortune, District Sales Manager, (Los Angeles, CA.).

12)"We were making minimum monthly payments of $2,500 on high-interest credit card and personal loans and we could not get a tax break on the interest we paid. We wanted to file bankruptcy, but the new rules were too stringent and we didnt want to ruin our credit. Barry helped us reduce our monthly payment to $900. The best part is the peace of mind we are enjoying. Our payments are covered for one year if one of us is unemployed. We are saving over $19,000 annually, including the tax write-off on the interest on our home equity loan payment. Thanks, Barry."  -         Jerome & Angie Mattias, (Brooklyn, N.Y.).

13)"Our stores were under investigation because we didnt file tax returns and pay the sales and payroll taxes. We had discussions with several accountants who used to solicit us for business. When we needed them they were busy attending to their regular clients. We found Barrys Accounting Services, Corp. in our local newspaper. We called Barry and we agreed to provide him with the information he requested. We paid the government $8,226 less in penalties and interest. Our financial affairs are back on track and we are happy. Thanks, Barry."  - Leo & Jane Robinson, Store Owners, (Jamaica, N.Y.).

14)"Your article on Real Estate Taxation is excellent. I have read bits and pieces of the subject in magazines, brochures, and handouts at seminars, but this is the most comprehensive article I have read on the subject. The answers you gave were well-researched."  - J. Davidson, General Contractor, (Beverly Hills, CA).

15)"Barry has been my accountant for many years. It was my first year in college when I met him. He used to come to our home to prepare my mothers tax returns. My siblings are living in other states and they all do business with him. Clients we referred to him have told us they are happy with the service and many of them are still doing business with him."  - Dr. E. Thomas, Physician, (Manhattan, N.Y).

16)"I was in high school when my mother introduced me to Barry. He used to make house calls; and he came to our home in Brooklyn every year to prepare my mothers tax returns. He has been preparing my tax returns for many years and I am happy with the service. In fact, he is like a brother to me." - Dr. M. Thomas-Jones, Ophthalmologist, (Atlanta, GA.).

17)"The shipping company we inherited was in total disarray. Barry helped us re-organized it and make it efficient and profitable. The support services we received were terrific. Free cash flow, working capital, and daily operations have improved tremendously. Our customers, bond holder, bank, and freight forwarders are happy with our performances, stability, and reliability. We stopped paying high overdraft fees; and the bank has increased our revolving line of credit"

  - Andre, Julian & Mindy Roache, Store Owners, (Brooklyn & Queens, N.Y.).


"Time Management is VERY important to us. Call when you are READY to hire us. You will receive the best service in the industry."