Consultation Services
Question:-Why would anybody need a Consultant?
Answer:-Here are the cold and hard facts:-
Fact #1
Companies frequently seek help from Industry Specialists (outside professionals) because they want a different prospective or a fresh/new approach to finding a solution to a problem. It is sometimes more feasible for them to do so than to retain in-house specialists in every discipline in which expertise is required.
Fact #2
Ailing companies looking for survival, and to preserve employment, shareholders investments, and pension will contact business consutants (Turn-around Specialists) to broker financial and bailout deals to keep them out of bankruptcy. Consultants have invested money in companies that have given them a warranty and the authority to restructure and manage them.
Fact #3
An investigation that involves allegations against executives will be conducted by Crisis Specialists or Human Resources Consultants; and issues that have an impact on a company's operation, finances, value, reputation, and validity as a going concern will have to be conducted by outside PR Specialists; and Financial Accounting Consultants that do not have close ties to the company, because the findings/results must be beyond reproach.
Barry's Accounting Services provides custom-made consultation services for:-
*Corporations, LLC's, and Partnerships.
*High-income and High networth individuals.
*Real Estate & Construction.
*Transportation (Air, Sea & Land).
*Entertainment (All forms).
The Firm Expertise:-
Taxation; Debt control and cash management; Business & Real-Estate management for absentee owners; Starting a business; Buying a franchise; Review preneuptal agreement for tax consequences; Tax planning for recently married couples; Business cost segregation; Activity-based costing; Transfer pricing; Revenue acceleration; Due diligence & forensic accounting; Business reorganization/restructuring; Pproperty and casualty insurance claims; Construction contracts and procurement investigation.
Clients are charged a flat fee or a fee that is based on the result (performance-based compensation).
Fee for advisory service
Client is charged $300 for advice in the office or over the phone. The fee is credited to the client if we receive work from the client within 30 days.
We have confidence in the value of the services that we provide, because clients have expressed their appreciation for them. Fee(s) you pay is an investment that will bring you immediate benefit(s) that exceeds the cost. It is also a tax-deductible business expense/tax write-off. You have NOTHING to lose.
Click here for "Tax Appeals/Representation"