Barry\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Accounting Services, Corp.
1852 Flatbush Avenue - 2nd Floor
Brooklyn, New York 11210
(718) 677-4006
Client Update - quarterly newsletter

Tax Preparation Fees Estimates

(This is in accordance with Federal & States Consumers Law and our Attorneys/Lawyers advice).

We prepare Basic and Complex Tax Returns for Individuals and Business Owners in 13 states in the USA and 5 foreign countries. Taxpayers can file their tax returns today and pay the filing fee at the office or online with Cash, Check, and Major Credit Cards. Payment by Checks and Credit Cards is subject to acceptance and clearance at your bank.

Payment online is fast, easy, and secure; and clients will receive a receipt immediately if they include their e-mail address on the payment form. Clients must notify us when they make a payment.

Click here to pay the filing fee.


Tax Refunds

Dont waste your time and money making photo-copies of your original documentsClients send us their ORIGINAL Documents by UPS; FedEx; DHL; and the Post-Office. They get credit/reimbursement of up to $30 and we pay to return their documents to them. Hence, they have NOTHING to lose.

The TAXING AUTHORITIES (Federal OR State) will deposit your First Tax Refund into your bank account Within 7-14 working days, from the date your tax return(s) were e-filed. After your First Tax Refund (Federal OR State) is deposited into your Bank Account, our Bank will withdraw the tax preparation fee from your Bank Account if that is how you want to pay usHowever, if you gave us INCORRECT bank information, the IRS will MAIL you a CHECK in 6-8 Weeks and you must pay us the Tax Preparation fee. Hence, it is YOUR responsibility to give us CORRECT / UP-TO-DATE bank information.


You can check the status of your Federal tax refund by logging on the IRS website:


Individual Tax Preparation Fee

(Fee is charged on a Case-by-Case basis)

Tax return preparation is completed within 2 to 5 days AFTER we received ALL the information. Tax preparation fee is Tax Deductible. In addition, it is an INVESTMENT you made to MINIMIZE your tax liability, MAXIMIZE your Tax Refund and Cash-flow, and keep more money in your pocket. PLUS, you are in Capable Hands bacause we are proficient at managing expectations. Therefore, you have nothing to lose.

#1) Basic Individual Tax Return Preparation:- The Fee is $280 to prepare and e-file a Federal and One State tax return if a client has a Form W-2 and no dependent. The fee is also $280 if the Federal and State tax return include Earned Income Credit and Education Credit; or Earned Income Credit and Child & Dependent Care Credit (babysitter/day care).

#2) Itemized and Complex Tax Return Preparation for Middle and High Income Individuals:- The fee to prepare a Tax Return(Fed & State) that contains information about a Residential or Rental Property STARTS at $400 regardless of the size and the sources of the Taxpayers IncomeThe Fee Starts at $400 and Increases in accordance with the Taxpayers tax reporting requirements AS FOLLOWS:-

a) If you are required to itemized tax deductions such as, job related expenses, Mortgage interest, property taxes, Debt Cancellation, Repossession & Foreclosure, Forms K1, Stocks & Bonds sold, Savings interest, Dividends, Charitable contributions, Office-at-home deductions, Foreign earned income, Residential energy credit, Moving expenses, Reporting Foreign Assets, Alimony paid or received, Gambling & Winnings, and Losses incurred as a result of accident, fire, hurricane, flood, and theft.

If you are required to itemize income and expenses for Residential, Rental and Commercial property that you own; or if you are adding a new property that you bought; or if you sold a Residential, Rental, and Commercial property; and if you are required to file Part-Year or Change of Residency; or if you are required to file more than ONE State Tax Return.


***IMPORTANT:- SomeTaxpayers dont want to hear/know the Price UPFRONT. They prefer to hear/know the RESULT first, and the PRICE afterwards. If you are one of those Taxpayers, we are happy to accommodate you. We will PREPARE your Tax Return and tell you the Final RESULT; and the AMOUNT of tax we SAVED you from over-paying, and the FEE/PRICE for the service rendered("Industry norm").

  ***VERY IMPORTANT:-Fees/prices are subject to change even if you had filed the same tax forms last year. However, we will TRY to keep the fee/price stable; but it can increase like the price of EVERY Product, Service, and Commodity on the Open Market (Consumer Price Index or CPI). When SUPPLIERS costs gone up, they passed those INCREASED costs/new costs to us, the business owners. They DONT care how long we have been doing BUSINESS with them. I am sure your Teachers / Professors have taught you that in Primary School / Trade School / High School / Secondary School / College / University; and Supervisors on your Jobs have told you the same thing during your training on the job. That is the First Part (Part-One) of Basic ECONOMICS and Elementary COMMERCE.("A word to the wise is good enough!").


Tax Preparation Fee For a Tax Return

that has Trading Transactions

The Minimum Price to Prepare and File a Tax Return that has/contains Trading Transactions (Stocks, Bonds, Crypto, Bitcoin, etc.) is $1,275.00 (Less $30 credit for printing and mailing your documents to us). The fee is Tax Deductible. It is an INVESTMENT you make to Minimize your Tax Liability and keep more of your money/Disposable Income. Hence, you have NOTHING to lose. Compare that alongside the TOTAL amount of money you have lost in Stocks, Bonds and Crypto/virtual currency; and people that owe you money and will never pay you.


Tax Preparation Fee for Property you Sold

(Rental and/or Commercial Property you Sold)

Property that you sold can cost you up to 50% in Capital Gains Tax (Fed & State). Hence, preparation of tax returns for property that you sold takes a lot of time and research if you want to obtain the MAXIMUM tax breaks/benefits. If you SOLD a Rental or Commercial Property, the fee we charged will come from the Tax Savings that we OBTAIN/provide for youIt is a similar method used by Stock Brokers, Investment Advisory Firms, Tax Advisory Firms, and Real-Estate Advisory Firms. The Fee is FULLY Tax Deductible. We will be UPFRONT (straight forward) with you BEFORE we ACCEPT the job, just like we have been upfront with several clients over 30-years.


Business Tax Return Preparation Fee

(C-Corp., S-Corp., LLC., Partnership, and Sole-proprietorship)

Please get our APPROVAL first, then send us a copy of your Corporation TRIAL BALANCE in the Genaral Ledger(Income, Expenses, and Balance Sheet Information); and we will prepare your Business Tax Return within 2 to 5 days.

You have a lot of work to get done. Lets start today!! The Minimum Fee to prepare a Business tax return is $1,275.00 if the business owner takes responsibility for the book-keeping work and give us the Business Annual Gross Income and an Analysis of the Business Annual Operating Expenses. We need Balance Sheet information if the business Gross Income is over $250,000.

We ensure that every business gets the MAXIMUM benefits (Credits, Deductions, Exemption, Exclusions, Carryovers, etc...) that are available for the business under the new tax laws.

The fee is FULLY tax deductible. It is an INVESTMENT the business owner make to MINIMIZE the business Tax Liability, increase the amount of Working Capital in the business bank account; and impove the business Credit-Worthiness and Valuation with Stake-holders(Bank, Creditors, Suppliers, Investors, etc).

Business Tax returns MUST reach the IRS  and State on or before March 15.(IRC Section 6072). Avoid paying a Late Filing Penalty of $220 to the IRS and $200 to the State PER MONTH. File extension Form 7004 early on The IRS number (800) 829-1040 from 7am Eastern Standard Time(EST).

With us in your corner, you will always have a knowledgeable and valuable resource to turn to for practical and profitable business and financial advice in your industry and in other industries. Written testimonials we have obtained during our annual clients surveys are overwhelmingly impressive.



What EVERY client must know

#1) Letter from the IRS or State: - Our clients seldom get audited. However, if you receive a letter from the IRS or State about the tax return that we prepared for you, you would have 15-days to respond to the IRS or State. Dont panic!. Please NOTIFY us by phone or e-mail. We will contact you and tell you how to send the letter to us. We will review it alongside the tax return that we prepared for you and advise you accordingly. If the LETTER contains an issue that can be resolved with a quick response to the IRS or State, then our response to the IRS or State is FREE.

#2) IRS or State Tax Audit: - If you are AUDITED by the IRS or State, the Tax preparation fee you paid us does not include representation before the IRS or State. A separate fee will be charged if this service is required or deemed necessary. The Fee will be charged to your Credit Card or Bank Account at the time you request the service.

#3) Individual Amended Tax Return: - The fee to prepare and file an Individual AMENDED Tax Return (and enable the individual to Pay-in-full what s/he owes the IRS; OR pay the IRS automatically in Monthly Installments) is a Minimum of $475.00 if we prepared your Original Tax Return; OR a Minimum fee of $475.00 PLUS Tax Preparation Fee if we DIDNT prepared your Original Tax Return. The Fee will be charged to your Credit Card or Bank Account UPFRONT (at the time you request the service); and before we start preparing your AMENDED TAX RETURN.

#4) Quarterly Estimated Tax:- If we prepare your current tax return and you owe Federal and or State income tax, four quarterly estimated payment tax forms will be prepared and given to you for FREE. In all other situation or instances the fee is $300.

#5) Copy of your tax return: - We do not send copies of tax returns by fax or e-mail. We will give you a FREE copy of your tax return after your tax return has been e-filed and accepted by the IRS and State. This is in accordance to IRS Circular 230 Rules. However, If you request an additional copy during the preparation of your tax return, the fee for that extra copy is $50. If you request an additional copy be sent to you, the fee is $50 PLUS postage or shipping. The total Fee will be charged to your Credit Card or Bank Account at the time you request the service.

***NOTE:- EVERYTHING that we discussed above is in line with Federal and States open DISCLOSURE RULES/LAWS. Thanks for your time; and thanks for doing business with Barrys Accounting Services, Corp.


Click here for "Business taxes, accounting, & strategic planning"

Click here for "Tax Appeals / Representation"