Private Client Services
"FAITH over FEAR!"
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We are ACTION and RESULT oriented. If you would like to have an Honest discussion about your PRESENT Personal or Business Financial situation, we will give you CLARITY and GUIDANCE to your important questions.
We are proficient at managing Clients expectation.
We have helped our Clients genarate revenue, managed their expenses/recurring expenditures, Increase their net-worth; and saved them $450 million in expenses and taxes. Hence, they have more LIQUIDITY (Cash-flow, Disposable Income, and Working Capital) to maintain their Personal and Business Financial Obligations and Credit-worthiness.
Our Private Client Service can be delivered to you over the Phone. It is a One-on-One MENTORING service. It is a Week-end (Friday or Saturday) service that we provide for each client that signed-up for it. You get to PICK the Day and Time to connect with me over the phone.
The Fee/Price
The Fee for this service is $390/mth; OR $3,000/yr if you pay for it in full-(35% discount). The fee is fully Tax Deductible). In addtion, we get to prepare your Personal and/or Business Tax Return at the end of the year. Contact us if Private Client Service fits your Personal or Business Goal/Mission.
The Process
#1)Every Client has a unique situation. Every Client tells us his/her goals/plans; and we put together a package or group of services that will enable the client to accomplish his/her Personal or Business Goals.
#2)We Counsel each client (One-on-One) on an ongoing basis. Each client has our attention until their goal is accomplished/achieved.
We are ACTION oriented. Hence, we prefer to work with people who are DECISIVE and EXCITED about accomplishing their GOAL, getting the desired RESULT they anticipated, TRANSFORMING their BUSINESS and PERSONAL lives, and getting PEACE-of-MIND. We ensure that the service(s) we provide them is Goal/Result-Oriented; and Timely and Rigorously Executed to enable them to obtain Maximum Result(s). We put our Commitment, Track-record, and Reputation behind everything we do. Hence, the services we provide for our clients are the perfect solutions that will get them the Desired result(s)/Transformation and Peace of mine.
Who are our clients, and why they need this service
They are Individuals and Business Owners.They are employed in the following industries:- Medical, Entertainment, Transportation, Real Estate, and Building Trades.They fall in ONE of the following categories:-
#1)They want to make a profound Personal and/or Business transformation, from a current situation to a desired situation, that produces results and eliminate their personal and financial frustrations.
#2)Their goals demand a high level of Personal attention/commitment and Business sophistication that coincide with their changing personal and business needs.
#3)Their free-time is limited and they need answers quickly, from a reliable individual, to make important daily decisions.
What Personal or Business problem(s) are you trying to resolve?
Sign up with us today for Private Client Service. It is an exclusive service that is custom made or tailor made for each client. It will help you accomplish your goal(s) quickly. You will receive our undivided attention, great result(s), peace-of-mine, and value for your money. Call us at (718) 677-4006; or CLICK HERE to view and print the short application form. After you have completed the form, please FAX it to us at (718) 677-4007; OR just send us an e-mail We will call you and discuss with you ALL of the following:-
#1)Personal and/or business matters that you believe are important and valuable to you.
#2)The level of service and support that will help you achieve your goal.
#3)Your plan and the time frame for completion.
#4)Short and Long term benefits you expect to obtain.
***NOTE:-You can read my best selling book for FREE on Amazon:-"Sweet Success, knowledge and quick-skills in 30 minutes by Clemson Barry". It is a best seller in the USA, Canada, UK, Australia and New Zealand.
Testimonials from Clients Surveyed:-
"I signed-up for private client service with my bank. The service is great, but it is limited to banking and investments. I needed ongoing counseling on a range of issues to bypass/overcome obstacles as I move forward with my plans. Outlining my plans to you has given me the opportunity to obtain from you, effective execution strategies and results that exceeded my expectations. I am proud to say, I am a very happy camper!" - B. Reid, Hollywood Blvd., CA.
"This has been the first time I utilized a private client service. Your private client service is great. It is far better than a mentorship; and the result is astonishing. I needed a reliable and knowledgeable person to help me streamline my activities and guide me steadily along the way when the tasks at hand become daunting and frustrating; and you have always kept it real with me. I realized I had the passion, ambition, and work ethics; but I lacked the confidence/courage and industry experience to execute effectively and make it happen. Now, I am unstoppable!!" - N. Collins, Manhattan, New York.
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