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Client Update - quarterly newsletter |
(plus Operations Checklist)
Professional Tax Preparation Service; and CFO Service for College Athletes and Sports Stars.
Thanks for logging-on to this webpage to get the DETAIL information you need. ***NOTE:-The IRS has collected US$4.7 Trillion from 2023 tax filings; and paid US$659 Billion in 2023 tax refunds, according to the report from the Treasury Inspector Genaral for Tax Administration(TIGTA). We are proficient at managing Clients Expectation. Our website commands an annual readership of over 1,020,000. Some of them are Clients, Some of them are Paid Subscribers, and Some of them are Searching for a Tax-Accountant and Business Advisor that has the EXPERTISE, SHARED PASSION, and COMMITMENT they need to accomplish their goal/mission. We have helped our Clients managed their Investments and Discretionary Expenses; and saved them $450 million in taxes. What do you want us to do for you,TODAY?
Creative Artist Agency (CAA Sports) Tel. (424) 288-2000
"Get your head in the game. One team, one mission. Lets hit the ground running"!! We understand your importance on the Field/Court/Track/Speedway. We have a proven and varifiable track record working with clients in this industry and with the IRS and States in the USA; and the IRD overseas. We prepare and file PRESENT and PRIOR Years Tax Returns. Our CONTINUALLY Updated Tax DATABASE contains over 1,000 Tax Strategies that are unique to your industry. It enables us to use the BEST Tax-efficient structure that will MINIMIZE your Tax Liability and MAXIMIZE your Cash-Flow and Disposable Income. We will keep you smiling. Money is Wealth and Power. It also brings Financial Freedom/Independence, Happiness, and a lot of Friends. We will use every Regulatory Tax Loophole to help you keep more of your money; and we will put a smile on your face. For Tax Year 2024, the IRS will accept Individual / Personal Tax return on January 15, 2025; and Corporation Tax Return on January 16, 2025. The deadline for Filing your Corporation Tax Return is March 15; and your Personal Tax Return is April 15. You can avoid paying a Late Filing Penalty of $250 to the IRS, and $100 to the State PER MONTH. File extension Form 4868 and/or Form 7004 on IRS.gov. The IRS HOTLINES (800) 829-4933 AND (800) 829-1040 from 7am Eastern Standard Time. The Minimum fee to prepare an Individual Tax Return is $400; and a Business or Self-employed Tax Return is $1,275.00. The fee is Tax Deductible. In addition, it is an INVESTMENT you make to MINIMIZE your Tax Liability and MAXIMIZE your Savings and Cash-Flow. PLUS you are in Capable Hands because we are proficient at managing expectations; and we have a Proven and Verifiable Track Record. Therefore, you get Exceptional Results and Peace-of-mind; and you have nothing to lose.
Compensation for College Athletes!! In July 2021, the National Collegiate Athletic Association(NCAA) followed a U.S. Supreme Court ruling and gave permission to College Athletes to earn money from organizations that use their Name and Public Image to promote their products and services. That include Endorsement, Personal appearance, and Autograph signing. Before that ruling came into effect, colleges were receiving money and paying NOTHING to those Athletes who were involved in promoting commercial products. Damn!! That is a lot of "Loot" those colleges were keeping in their pockets/endowment accounts. Businesses/Brands Reaction:- As soon as the U.S. Supreme Court ruling came into effect, a flood of endorsement deals from Local and National brands poured into Colleges for top Athletes, and many Athletes have received endorsement deals. The numbers of Athletes are too numerous to mention here. Athletes Reaction:-Hercy Miller, an incoming freshman basketball player to Tennessee State University (TSU) has signed a 4year, $2million contract with WebApps America. University of Connecticut (UConn.) Huskies point guard, Paige Bueckers, TradeMark her nickname, "Paige Buckets" and signed a 3 year endorsement contract as the brand ambassador for StockX, an on-line footware and apparel marketplace platform. That contracts is estimated around $6 million. A basketball player at the University of Iowa has announced a line of branded apparel that he plans to released. Independent Contractors (IRC- 6017):-Athletes who received compensation (IRC 61) will be isues Form-1099 by the College or Corporation to report their income to the IRS and State(s) (IRC- 446) as Resident, Non-Resident or Part-Year Resident. Athletes are qualified to deduct all necessary business expenses that they incurred(IRC- 63, 162, 195, 280). Tax Advisor:- A Non-Cash deal can be problamatic if it is not handled properly. If, instead of receiving Cash, an Athlete is given a New Car to drive for one or more years, the IRS will treat the use of the Car as Taxable Income (IRC 61 and 111). Athletes should work closely with a Tax Advisor to develop a Business and Personal goal/plan. It is a clear Financial Plan to manage their Income and Expenses and pay Federal and State income taxes, in addition to investing wisely in assets that will appreciate/compound in value overtime. My best selling book,"Sweet Success" by Clemson Barry, is on Amazon.
Services we provide sports clients *Review Contracts and Compensation forecasting/projections.(for tax planning purposes, to save you Millions of dollars in unnecessary expenses and taxes). *Multiple State and/or Foreign tax returns preparation (States tax credits; Foreign Income Exclusion and Foreign Tax Credit, Including the Tax Aspects of Marriage, Separation, and Divorce):-IRC- 27, 901, 904, 911, 6013, 7703, etc. *Business, Franchise, and Real-Estate Advisory (Inherited, Buying, Leasing & Selling):-IRC - 108, 351, 441- 444, 761, etc. *Investment and Retirement Planning (Risk management and preparation for unforeseen contingencies:-(IRC- 401). *Public Relations Planning & Implementation-(Building, Protecting, Elevating, and Preserving your career). *IRS & States Audits:- (IRS Enrolled Agent 1989 to Present). We work with Sports clients/Athletes and high-income individuals and business corporation in the entertainment industry. They operate as C-Corp., S-Corp., and LLC. We will make EVERY U.S. and Foreign regulatory Tax loophole, deduction, credit, exemption and exclusion in the new tax laws work for you and save you Millions of dollars in taxes. Every assignment will be completed quickly, efficiently, and accurately. Our methodology/strategies are very effective; and we put our commitment, track record, and reputation behind them. Lets start today!!!
How we obtain new sports clients *Direct mailing from our exclusive database. *Family-Law Attorneys preparing Pre-nuptial and Divorce Agreements. *Sports Coach and Athletes Business Managers. *Sports Marketing personnels searching on Google, UTube and on other search engines.
How we know about sports superstars. We search for them in sports magazines (Athletics Weekly, SLAM, Beckett Basketball, Inside Gymnastics, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, Soccer 360, American Football Monthly, Golf Magazine, Baseball America, Baseball Digest, Tennis Magazine, and F1 Racing); and we watch them perform in sporting events/tournaments.
What we want from sports clients 1) Your Cell Phone number and E-mail address for quick communication. 2) A paper copy of the last tax return you filed. 3) Your Business Gross Income and expenses if you have a corporation or LLC. 4) Forms W2 and 1099 if you are an employee or freelancer. Your mortgage interest and real estate tax if you own a private home and a vacation homes; and income, mortgage interest, real estate tax and expenses for each rental property you own. 5) Forms 1099 from your banks and stock brokers (Dividends, Interest Income, purchase of stock, sales of stocks, etc.). 6) A copy of your Drivers license or State ID; AND a copy of your spouse Drivers License or State ID. (Starting in 2016, the IRS required the information be included on ALL tax returns)-IRS (800) 829-1040 from 7am EST. 7)Give us those letters you received from the IRS and States, including the letter you received from the IRS with the IP PIN number that was assigned to you to put on your tax return(Identity Protection Personal Identification Number). 8) Form 1095-A, 1095-B or 1095-C from your employer or union to show that you had Medical/Health insurance during the year. The information on the form would be included on your tax return to stop the IRS from charging you a penalty. 9) Job related expenses you incurred that were not reimbursed to you. 10) Your Credit Card or Bank Account Information to pay for the service. ***NOTE: Clients must communicate with us and receive our approval before sending information to us.
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